Artists Visas Committee
A professional
The Comité Visas Artistes was set up in 2009 in response to the growing difficulties encountered by professional organizations in the music sector in obtaining visas. international level. Its aim is to support music industry professionals when they encounter difficulties in obtaining visas and resolving bottlenecks. With a scope of action that covers all music, and sometimes the entire field of live performance, this committee represents professionals in the sector : producers, labels, touring companies, artists, programmers (festivals, venues, local authorities, etc.) and artists. It is regularly consulted and recognized for its expertise and exemplary role as an informal platform. Zone Franche, the world music network, has been commissioned to manage the project.
Contact the relevant ministries in the event of difficulties in obtaining visas or blockages.
The complex and fast-changing nature of the process makes it difficult for small businesses to keep up with the latest developments. To this end, we have set up a network of resource structures and people to help us answer questions that are sometimes highly specific and technical.
It also collects case studies to identify the most frequent reasons for blockages or difficulties, with a view to producing recommendations.
Based on the analysis of cases handled and feedback from the field, the CVA takes action to alert public authorities to the need to improve visa processing procedures.

The Comité Visas Artistes brings together :
CNV, FNSAC, UPFI, SNAM CGT, SFA, PRODISS, UFISC, SMA, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, Institut Français, De Concert, Mobiculture, Cité Internationale des Arts and Zone Franche. It works closely with the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Culture. The French Ministry of the Interior joined the Comité Visas in 2015.