International trade shows

Zone Franche’s pres­ence at trade shows is vital to the devel­op­ment and struc­tur­ing of the sec­tor. In this way, the net­work ensures glob­al vis­i­bil­i­ty for the net­work and its mem­bers ; it pro­motes its projects and val­ues ; it pro­vides net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties and pro­fes­sion­al meet­ings (speed-meet­ings, con­fer­ences, aper­i­tif-meet­ings, etc.); and it lays the foun­da­tions for the devel­op­ment of projects, par­tic­u­lar­ly those with an inter­na­tion­al dimen­sion.

In two very spe­cif­ic cas­es, Babel Music XP and WOMEX, where the pro­fes­sion­al stakes are cru­cial for World Music play­ers, the net­work pro­vides its mem­bers with orga­ni­za­tion­al and eco­nom­ic sup­port. On behalf of its mem­bers, it books and rents stands, and coor­di­nates equip­ment and accred­i­ta­tion require­ments. ; it cov­ers part of the cost of stands and, in some cas­es, accred­i­ta­tions, giv­ing its mem­bers more favor­able con­di­tions of access to these mar­kets. Every year, the scheme ben­e­fits some fifty cul­tur­al oper­a­tors who are mem­bers of the net­work.

In oth­er sit­u­a­tions (MaMA, Trans, etc.), Zone Franche’s part­ner­ship with these orga­niz­ers enables us to obtain accred­i­ta­tion at reduced rates.

Zone Franche and its mem­bers will be present at the fol­low­ing trade shows :